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Amit Deo

Amit Deo

Professional Experiences

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Amit’s Story

Although it was immediately part of my earliest experiences, it was not clear to me when I became aware of the understanding of generational trauma, or that I was born into it. What was clear was I had wanted to break the pattern.

This choice and the decision to take action had steered me on a path of seeking ways to try to better my experiences and myself. I sought affirmations and safety, which initially proved successful, but was fleeting as I realized they were strategies I had tried to create outside of myself. Of all the roads I explored that led to any sense of sustained success, was understanding that whatever I was seeking externally I could find internally. However, not without help and support. My journey included many people and programs that led to healing and clarity.

This support is what I hope to offer with Expanding You. Sharing the knowledge and practices I have gained in supporting others on their path of Discovery.


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