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Leslie Brown

Leslie Brown

Professional Experiences

  • Licensed Massage Therapist
  • Prime Potential facilitator

Leslie’s Story

I am a trauma-informed facilitator and embodiment coach, passionate about supporting people to connect deeply with themselves through understanding what it is to be a human being in today’s world, and embracing all aspects of that.

I experience the Expanding You programs as an effective, holistic path to becoming more authentically aligned with our true selves, beyond familial and cultural programming – something I am proud to offer to all those I work with.

Having been a massage therapist for over a decade, and with a background in psychology, traditional Chinese medicine, and various psychotherapeutic approaches, I bring a wealth of knowledge, compassion, and even some fun to the table as I work with individuals, couples, and corporate groups to heal trauma, enhance relationships, and communicate effectively in any arena of life.


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