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Tarin Stefens

Tarin Stefens

Professional Experiences

  • Bachelor degree, English & Linguistics, Spanish minor
  • Masters degree, Industrial/Occupational Psychologist, in process

Tarin’s Story

My interest in mindfulness and personal development was one of the first and most enduring gifts given to me by my mother.

From early bedside conversations about death and God, she started me on a path to self-awareness that has taken me to (and away from) churches, politics, meditation, exercise, and a whole host of approaches to meaning in between.

What has remained steadily true for me on this journey, however, is a desire to connect with others and do good for the world.

So when Expanding You offered to bring me on board as a blog writer and facilitator, I was elated to join up and am eager to learn alongside those who seek to heal the world through peace in the heart.


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