A program that helps you gain a sense of internal control giving you a formula for inner stability.

Inner Balance supports you in having deeper self understanding and more ease in your day-to-day life. This program helps you slow down your daily interactions to catch your blind spots; this creates exponential growth and lasting change.

Inner Balance

Why Inner Balance?

• Do you sometimes feel like you’ve got it all together yet other days you’re barely hanging on?

• Do you want to be in control of your thoughts, feelings, emotions,  and life overall?

• Are you craving more stability, clarity, peace and a sense of direction in your life?

If you answered YES to any of these questions…

Our four week Inner Balance program is for you!

Whether it’s challenging relationships, work-home balance, parenting in an ever changing chaotic world, or finding fulfilling work, life today is complicated. When life all around you feels turbulent, discovering inner stability makes all the difference. It’s the foundation for your well-being that will help you breathe again, create deeper connections and have a more expansive perspective as you handle circumstances beyond your control.

“Balance within yourself brings access to the magic of life.”

Home > Our Programs > Inner Balance

Sonia Muñoz

I have more true confidence than ever before. Having gone on this healing journey, I now feel I can be a great partner as well as a better parent.

Trevor Pilling

Madrid, Spain
Sonia Muñoz

Because of this work, I am so optimistic about life. It's amazing that I'm even the same person.

Tobias Paton

Mission B.C., Canada
Sonia Muñoz

This is the best investment I have ever made in my development. The transformation doesn’t just happen during but even long after the program.

Nancy Saini

Cedar Rapids IA, USA

What you’ll learn?

Real action items you can apply in your life!

Week One

Week one focuses on understanding what takes you out of balance, and recognizing how you cope. It’s often the little things that go unnoticed that can build up and create strong reactions.

This week celebrates your curiosity & commitment to growth, and outlines key strategies to support your success. It invites you to identify moments of going out of balance and how your coping patterns dilute your power, and contribute to fatigue and loss of motivation. You will also deepen your understanding of your emotions and how they signal you to look inward

Week Two

Week two zeros in on what you need to know for balance and the power of your thoughts. Effectively managing your thoughts is a fundamental skill for being in control of your life.

This week explores how moving your attention inward is a critical step to solving external problems. Participants learn how they get stuck, and what is required to move from stuck to growth. The SKIW concept reveals how you create your perceptions of the world and why knowing that matters. You’ll learn the power of shifting from negative to positive thoughts.

Week Three

Week three gives you strategies to regain balance, and address the dilemma of feeling caught between what you want to see happen in a certain situation and what is actually happening.

This week looks at areas where your energy leaks, like focusing on things you can’t control. You will also learn to make sense of why people behave the way they do, even when it seems confusing. One of the most transformational concepts of this week is getting more clear and specific about what you really want and how to put yourself in the driver’s seat of attaining it.

Week Four

In week four you will build the capacity to sustain inner balance. Coming from a place of inner stability and knowing how you want to show up, enables you to foster better relationships.

This week invites you to practice your inner awareness in relation to others, this is where the rubber meets the road! Week four addresses the common question of why people keep trying to change others when they know they can’t. You’ll discover the 3 common ways people sidetrack from getting what they really want and how to be assertive in speaking up.

Sound Familiar?

• If these ideas sound familiar, we invite you to ask yourself, “How well am I living what I know?

• Most of us have a lag between our knowledge and ability to live it.

• This course is an opportunity to practice and integrate the tools so that you feel in effective control of your life.

Our Process

Weekly schedule, exercises & learning videos.

Every Tuesday

1 Hour Live Q&A Session

630 PM to 730 PM PST

Every Friday

Weekly Learning Video

We’ve Got You Covered!

For those of you with a busy life, if you need to miss a session, please know that all live sessions are recorded and available for you to watch when it fits your schedule.

Learning Video

Homeplay Exercises

Reflection Exercises

Live Q&A Sessions

Your Facilitators

An experienced team here to serve you.

Lynn Sumida

Co Founder

Lynn is a master catalyst, teacher, and mentor. She guides and inspires people in their journey of transformation, helping them find the joy of living from their true self.

Jeff Brown

Co Founder

Jeff is a dedicated leader with a ferocious appetite for learning. As a transformational coach he guides people in finding a life filled with freedom and lasting joy.

Leslie Brown

Coach, Facilitator

Leslie is a trauma-informed embodiment coach, passionate about supporting people to connect deeply with themselves through understanding and embracing what it is to be a human being in today’s world.

Debbe Keenan

Program Facilitator

Deb is an experienced facilitator, having nurtured people from early stages of personal development to deep personal growth. An area of expertise is in the business world and supporting teams.

Here’s an Overview

Practical knowledge that you can start using right away in your life.

Week One

What take you out of balance?

➡ Out of balance
➡ Levels of distress
➡ Coping patterns
➡ Feeling under water
➡ Feelings are the signal

Week Two

What do you need to know?

➡ Thoughts create physical reactions
➡ The mind doesn’t know what is true
➡ Shifting your thinking and perspective
➡ Building resilience
➡ Physical reactions create emotional responses

Week Three

How to regain your balance?

➡ What motivates behavior
➡ Focusing on what you DO want
➡ Wanting the unattainable
➡ Creating new neural pathways
➡ Wanting to control someone 

Week Four

How to sustain inner balance?

➡ Finding balance in relationships
➡ Wanting someone else to change
➡ Ways we sidetrack ourselves
➡ Asking for what we want
➡ If you were fearless…

What Attendees Have to Say

Deep insights and stories from experiencing Inner Balance.

Rie Rumito

Gemma Finn

Mike Frank

Are you ready to get started?

Join us on the journey…

People from all walks of life have worked with our incredible team at Expanding You. Through our guided programs they have been empowered to change their lives – like never before! Together let’s ignite the joyful appreciation for life.

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Tangible tools, clear steps, and a real path to the joyful, courageous life you’ve always imaged.

Our Programs

Inner Balance
Inner Discovery
Inner Peace
Prime Potential


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Vancouver, BC, Canada

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