Thank you for taking the time to complete The Evolution Quiz. The following are your Results.
Your Quiz Results
Thank you for providing us with insight through your answers, you’ve clearly done a lot of work.
Your accountability, self-awareness and desire to grow shines through brightly. The fact that you completed the quiz tells us you have a strong desire to continue your growth and discover what is beyond the current way you are doing life. You likely have an inner sense of unrealized potential that you are ready to fully explore.
How you view and handle situations reflects where you are on the path. How you “do” life is strongly influenced by the beliefs you hold that you may or may not be aware of.
Your quiz results reflect beliefs that might be limiting you, such as:
Time is something I have to monitor, manage or allocate – “It has to be done…”
Being in control keeps me safe – “I need to because they won’t…”
I will be criticized, shamed or rejected if I … – “If they knew the real me…”
Planning is essential in order to accomplish anything – “If it’s not on the calendar…”
If these statements resonate with you…
We all have beliefs that pop up in specific moments, our focus is ‘which beliefs are limiting you?’ By understanding where you are we can better support you in moving forward. The above beliefs reflect a mindset that shows where you might still be challenged.
These beliefs usually reflect a hunger for flow, peace, and contentment. Many people at this stage also want more patience. Some of the most common patterns that show up in this stage of the path are a tendency to to get caught in your head, being overly responsible, and a lack of lightness and playfulness.
We can see from your answers that you have a high level of trust, self-responsibility, openness, and curiosity. Occasionally your trust becomes conditional when what you want doesn’t match what’s happening around you. For the next stage of growth, greater internal grounding is crucial.
Your strong desire to do things well can lead to striving that depletes your energy. You regularly hold yourself accountable but you are likely missing the flexibility and freedom you desire. You love to learn and grow but still find it hard to get out of the familiar patterns that have served you well.
Where you are in your development is beyond our first two programs, and we would welcome a conversation with you about what would best fit your needs. Our suggestion is you book a phone call with us.
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Inner Balance
Inner Discovery
Inner Peace
Prime Potential
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